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Dennis Hopper 1936 – 2010

I had to post this, cause I grew up watching his movies ( Dreaming of HOLLYWOOD )

Once a magazine reporter asked him this:

If I had even one tenth of what you used to drink, I'd never have been able to work the next day; how on Earth did you do it?
Because I'm an actor. And I always came in on schedule and on budget, and if anyone had ever told me I was f***ing up a movie with my behaviour, I'd have stopped. My main objective, my only objective, was to make a great film. And I believed the drink and drugs helped.

Hopper had a truly remarkable life both on screen and off, playing roles that established him as key to 20th Century counterculture.

May your soul RIP

1 comment:

  1. thanks . are you following? if not, you def should be
